coffee spills

cohost migration

I'm watching as a flurry of activity occurs around me. Everyone on my feed is hastily jumping ship to their other platforms, setting up blogs, making pinned posts of where to find them. I feel very overwhelmed by it all. With the end of cohost, where will I go?

I didn't realize just how much I'd cut off my other social media use until this all happened. I jumped ship from twitter to cohost in Nov 2022 and never looked back. Sure, I made an account to grab my username on bluesky but I have never made an effort to follow anyone. I haven't been on tumblr properly in a decade. Looking to these other sites, I feel instant hatred at every ad that is being shoved at me. I didn't realize how nice it was, scrolling my small cohost feed. So where will I go?

Well, I've made this blog for now. Inspired by the mass movement of people making blogs now, I thought what the hell. This little website seems really nice and simple. Maybe I'll end up posting here. Or maybe it will end up being just one more thing I made in an effort to jump on a bandwagon, and it ends up gathering dust.

I am far more of a lurker than a poster, wherever I end up, but I always have intentions of changing that. Part of that is perhaps the "I am one small person who not many people care about, why bother writing something?" and another part is just the perceived effort of writing a whole longpost. It should be a well thought out essay! It needs to have a Message! What is its purpose! These are all things my silly little brain shoots at me to discourage me from typing out these words. And yet, if I'm writing for only one person, shouldn't that be enough? What if that one person is me?